In many people's perceptions, gynecological diseases are diseases that exist among women who are married or sexually active. If you are single, gynecological diseases should not be related to you. But in fact, this is not the case. Common gynecological diseases such as vaginitis and pelvic inflammatory disease also occur in single women from time to time. So, why do single women suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease?
Appendicitis Single women suffer from pelvic inflammation
Appendicitis delays diagnosis, the appendix purifies
magic wands , and inflammatory exudates flow into the bone disc, causing salpingitis. If you suffer from acute enteritis, bacteria in the intestines can spread to the genitals through lymphatic vessels, causing genital inflammation.
Tuberculosis causes pelvic inflammatory disease in single women
If there is a carrier of the pulmonary tuberculosis virus
realistic dildo , pelvic inflammatory disease will also occur. The bacteria of pulmonary tuberculosis can flow into the pelvis through blood; in the case of intestinal tuberculosis, the bacteria can directly invade the genitals, causing genital tuberculosis.
Bad living habits lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in single women
For example
chastity cages , bathing during menstruation is a common inducement. Due to the decrease in resistance during menstruation, the lower body is immersed in water
adult toys , and pathogenic bacteria in the water can ascend through the vagina and enter the internal genitalia. The surface of unclean masturbation dirty fingers or dirty instruments is stained with pathogenic bacteria, and may even contain gonococcus and mycoplasma sexually transmitted diseases. These unclean living habits are the direct cause of pelvic inflammation.
Poor menstrual care causes single women to suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease
Another point is that female friends need to pay attention to during menstruation. Swimming during menstruation makes it easier for bacteria in the water to enter the vagina, and then enter the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing inflammation.