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What should I use to wash my face for facial allergies? Facial allergies include two major influencing factors: internal and external

1. Endogenous factors
(1)Ethnicity varies according to the number of seed corneum, the adhesion between cells, the amount and volume of melanin best ass , etc. anal dildo , and the sensitivity of the skin varies.
(2)The skin of young people is more sensitive than that of the elderly. The skin sensory nerve function of the elderly is reduced and nerve distribution is reduced.
(3)In general, women are sensitive to skin irritation and men. Women have high skin pH and poor stimulation buffering power.
(4)Most individuals with genetically sensitive skin have a family history of sensitive skin.
(5)Endocrine factors affect skin sensitivity during the menstrual cycle.
(6)Skin diseases can improve skin sensitivity such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis best male masturbator , and ichthyosis.
2. Exogenous factors
(1)Chemical factors include cosmetics, soaps, detergents, etc.
(2)Environmental factors such as cold, heat, rapid changes in temperature, seasonal changes, air pollution, sunshine, etc.
(3)A spicy lifestyle stimulates diet, and alcohol can aggravate skin reactions.
(4)Increased psychological factors such as pressure and emotional manipulation often stimulate or intensify skin reactions.
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