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What are the symptoms of cervical erosion? How to treat cervical erosion?

Cervical erosion is actually a common gynecological disease in our lives. Cervical erosion is a common manifestation of chronic cervicitis. Due to chronic inflammation that does not heal for a long time, the original squamous epithelium on the surface of the cervix falls off and is covered by columnar epithelial hyperplasia in the cervical canal, with a red granular appearance. So, what are the symptoms of cervical erosion? How to treat cervical erosion?
Clinically, cervical erosion is divided into degrees I, ii, and iii based on the size of cervical erosion area. The main symptoms are
Increased leucorrhea: Increased leucorrhea is the main symptom of the disease. The leucorrhea usually shows milky white or light yellow purulent secretions, bloody or mixed with blood.
Vulva pruritus: Due to increased stimulation of vulvovaginal leucorrhea, vulvitis or vaginitis may be secondary, causing vulvovaginal pruritus and pain.
Lower abdominal pain: When the inflammation is severe, it spreads along the uterosacral ligament and main ligament, causing pelvic connective tissue inflammation male masturbation toys , causing lower abdominal or lumbosacral pain, accompanied by a feeling of falling.
Frequent frequency: Frequent frequency or difficulty urinating can occur when inflammation spreads to the bladder triangle or around the bladder.
Infertility: Thick leucorrhea is not conducive to sperm penetration, and severe cervicitis can cause infertility.
Treatment of cervical erosion
1. Drug treatment
It is suitable for patients with small erosion area and shallow inflammation infiltration. Antibiotic topical drugs, such as metronidazole anal vibrator , sulfanilamide drugs, nitrofurazone, etc., can be used. Traditional Chinese medicine is widely used in the treatment of cervical erosion and has good curative effect. Most examinations and prescriptions are used, processed into powder or suppositories, placed on cotton balls, and pasted on the eroded surface.
2. Physical therapy
It is a widely used treatment method at present and has the advantages of short course of treatment and good curative effect. It is suitable for patients with large erosion area and deep inflammation infiltration. Commonly used methods include ironing, laser therapy, and cryotherapy.
3. Traditional surgical treatment
If the above treatments are ineffective, or if the cervix is enlarged, or if the erosion is deep and extensive, and the cervical canal is involved rose toy , traditional surgical treatment such as total hysterectomy can be considered. However, this surgical treatment, this surgical treatment.
4. High-frequency LEEP
The tissue specimen is complete, and it is not easy to cause tissue elongation and carbonization during traditional electrotome cutting, so that a complete tissue specimen can be obtained that does not affect pathological detection.
5. BBT ablation
BBT ablation for the treatment of cervical erosion is a very delicate operation. It not only has no damage to surrounding tissues, no pain during the treatment process, and no scars are left after surgery. It can also better avoid complications such as bleeding or infection deep anal dildo , and does not affect fertility after surgery. Function.
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