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Is the more foam when washing your face, the better? What misunderstandings will you encounter when using facial cleanser?

1. Washing pigments may not necessarily be whitening
Washing pigments are cleaning products, but they retain their reputation for whitening effects. Washing pigments do not get whiter as long as they are washed. They can only stay on the skin for a minute at most. If they stay for a long time, it is difficult to exert their whitening effect. In addition, you cannot rely solely on facial cleanser to whiten, and it is also important to whiten and moisturize in the later period.
Facial cleanser with whitening effect contains a certain degree of fruit acid, which can soften old cuticle and promote peeling, but it has a certain irritating effect. Skin care products with moisturizing ingredients must be applied after use.
2. The more bubbles the better
The more foam the washing pigment, the better. The moisturizing degree and cleanliness of the washing pigment are inversely proportional. The more foam horse cock dildo , the more active agents there are for the washing pigment, the stronger the cleaning power. The normal fat content structure is threatened anal dildo , destroying the normal moisturizing function of the skin.
3. Frequent replacement of washing pigments
This refers to washing your face with different effects one day gay masturbation , and the skin is fragile and sensitive vibrators for women , and the skin may peel. It is recommended not to wash your face with multiple washing pigments one day, but use washing pigments until a certain period of time.
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