Washing your face with vinegar water can increase the moisture and nutrition of skin cells
adult shop , restore the luster and elasticity of the skin
controller vibrator , soften and whiten the stratum corneum. There is also sterilization. Wash your face with vinegar
1. Reduce wrinkles: After washing your face at night, mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 3 teaspoons of water, cover it with a cotton ball, gently wipe the wrinkled areas on your face, gently massage with your fingers, and rinse. This method can help eliminate fine wrinkles on the face.
2. Soft skin: Wash your face and hands first, then immerse your face and hands in warm water added with vinegar. After 5 minutes, wash your face and hands with clean water. Doing so for a long time can make the skin smooth and delicate. The amount of vinegar added in the water should be small, provided that the water does not change color.
3. Freckle and fade spots: Use white vinegar to pound into the traditional Chinese medicine atractylodes rhizome and mix with appropriate amount
clitoral vibrator , seal and soak for a week. After washing your face every day, rub the spots on your face. Over time, the freckles can gradually eliminate and fade.
4. Eliminate fatigue: Used for bathing, add 1 to 2 spoonfuls of vinegar to warm water. After bathing
biggest dildo , it can not only remove the aging stratum corneum of the skin, but also eliminate fatigue, restore spirit, and turn the face red.