Health Information

Why dont expectant mothers eat these four foods? Dietary taboos for expectant mothers

In addition to maintaining balanced nutrition, expectant mothers during pregnancy have four foods to eat as little as possible the following four foods.
Gu Xiaoxia chastity sissy , a midwife in the delivery room of Nanjing University Hospital, noticed that pregnant expectant mothers should not only maintain a balanced nutrition, but also try to eat as few four foods as possible:
1. Hawthorn
2. MSG
3. Long-term preserved potatoes
4. Hot seasoning.
this is because
Hawthorn has an exciting effect on the uterus and is easy to miscarry
The main component of monosodium glutamate is sodium glutamate, which is easy to combine with zinc bad dragon dildo remote vibrator kick ass , and pregnant women lack zinc
Potatoes stored for a long time have high content of alkaloids, which can easily cause fetal malformations
Hot seasonings can easily consume intestinal water and cause miscarriage.
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