Health Information

What to eat for insomnia? A medicinal diet that says goodbye to insomnia

Lotus seed and lily lean meat soup
Effect: During the regulation of replenishing qi penis vibrator , replenishing deficiency, connecting with the heart and kidney, tranquilizing the nerves, educating intelligence, and clearing the heart.
Indications: neurasthenia, palpitations, insomnia, weakness after illness best ass , etc.
Lotus seeds are sweet, astringent, and calm, enter the heart, spleen, kidney meridians, nourish the heart, nourish the kidney, nourish the spleen, and astringent intestines. The lily taste is sweet, bitter, peaceful, heart, lung, moistening the lungs, clearing heat, clearing heart rabbit vibrator , and replenishing qi. Moderate effect.
50 grams of lotus seeds, 250 grams of lily, 250 grams of lean meat dildo shop , water, water, heart, lung, clearing heart, lung, clearing qi, etc.
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