When the stomach is distended or uncomfortable
penis pumping , you can eat the following two medicinal diets to improve it.
Fenguang Ginseng Fish Soup
Ingredients: 1 milkfish
rabbit vibrator , 10g powdered ginseng, 10g atractylodes rhizome, 10g tuckahoe, 6g wolfberry fruit, 5 slices of ginger, 10ml rice wine.
Practice: Wash the lice fish, cut into small pieces, and place it in the pan. Wash all the ingredients and place it in the pan. Add 2000 ml of water, and put it in an electric rice cooker to cook.
Effect: It improves inability to eat, indigestion, abdominal distension, stool overflow, etc. It is suitable for people with frequent gastrointestinal distension or discomfort.
tangerine peel pork porridge
Ingredients: 50 grams of lean pork, 6 grams of tangerine peel, 1 preserved egg, 1 spring onion, 1 cup of white rice, a small amount of cooking oil, a small amount of salt.
Practice: Cook the white rice, put a little cooking oil in the pan, add lean meat and spring onion segments, and then stir-fry, add appropriate amount of water, wait until boiling, add tangerine peel and cook for about 2 minutes
big black ass , then add the white rice, shredded lean meat, preserved egg, spring onion segments, etc. Cook it into porridge
xxl dildo , add salt to season after cooking.
Effect: It improves symptoms such as gastrointestinal distension, hiccups, poor appetite, and indigestion. It is suitable for people with gastrointestinal distension or discomfort.