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What are the symptoms of congenital syphilis? Is syphilis inherited?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted sexually transmitted disease, so congenital syphilis can only be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta by pregnant women with syphilis. What are the specific symptoms of congenital syphilis?
Pregnant women with syphilis can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, causing intrauterine infection of the fetus, which can lead to miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth, or the delivery of infants with fetal syphilis. It is generally believed that the earlier the syphilis stage in a pregnant woman, the greater the chance of infection to the fetus. What are the manifestations of children with congenital syphilis?
According to reports, he was born into a mother suffering from syphilis. She was untreated and had no clinical manifestations, but had positive syphilis serological reactions. Those under 2 years old were early congenital latent syphilis, and those over 2 years old were late congenital latent syphilis. In early stage of congenital syphilis, the child was small and thin at birth, and developed symptoms three weeks after birth. The lymph nodes of the body were enlarged, without adhesions best dildo , painless, and hard. Many people have syphilitic rhinitis. Skin lesions appear about 6 weeks after birth, presenting as vesicle-bulous lesions (syphilitic pemphigus) or maculopapular, papulo-scaled lesions. Osteochondrotis and periostitis bullet vibrator can occur. Most of them have enlarged liver and spleen. Thrombocytopenia and anemia. Neurosyphilis can occur. Hard chancre does not occur. Advanced congenital syphilis occurs after the age of 2. The first category is permanent damage to bones, teeth, eyes, nerves and skin caused by early lesions, such as saddle nose, Hao Qinsen's teeth, etc., without mobility. The other category is clinical manifestations caused by still active damage controller vibrator , such as keratitis, neuropathic deafness, abnormal neurological manifestations, changes in cerebrospinal fluid, hepatosplenomegaly, nasal or jaw gum swelling, hydroarthrosis, periostitis, finger inflammation and skin and mucous membrane damage, etc.
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