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What are the symptoms during the AIDS window? Which parts of the body will have a rash if infected with AIDS?

After many people get skin diseases, they think that the root of the disease lies on the surface of the skin and blindly use topical drugs and anti-allergic drugs for treatment. However gay masturbation , sometimes after suffering from chronic diseases and infectious diseases, the immune system will become abnormal and skin allergic reactions will occur. AIDS is one of them.
When it comes to the symptoms of the AIDS window period, many people think of symptoms such as low-level fever, cough, sore throat, abdominal pain, and swollen lymph nodes. Because this is the most common saying in textbooks and medical books. However g spot vibrator clitoral vibrator , people often ignore abnormal changes in the skin.
In fact, systemic symptoms similar to cold diarrhea, lymph node swelling, and skin damage are known as the three manifestations of the AIDS window period.
HIV itself does not cause any diseases, it only destroys human immunity, and skin lesions will also diversify. Such as rash, inexplicable itching all over the body, condyloma acuminatum rose toy , urticaria, etc., the most common of which is rash.
There is not much difference between an AIDS rash and a general rash. There are important differences. There are only red spots and purple spots that become darker and are not painful.
Severe papules and swollen blisters occurred.
The rash usually occurs on any part of the body, feels painful when touched, and usually resolves spontaneously within one to two weeks. Remember not to scratch with your hands some time ago.
The difference between AIDS rash. People infected with AIDS may have a rash, but a rash may not necessarily be AIDS. Because rash is a common skin disease with many causes. The rash caused by AIDS generally does not appear alone, but is accompanied by symptoms such as fever and diarrhea.
To sum up, rash is only a feature of AIDS, which is conducive to early detection of the disease, but cannot be used as a basis for judging whether you are infected with AIDS. People who are afraid of AIDS occasionally develop rashes, so don't be afraid and uneasy. I should go to the hospital. For people with excessively risky behaviors, once a rash appears, they should also pay attention and not ignore it.
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