Chancroid is mainly transmitted directly through sexual life. After infection
chastity cage , usually after an incubation period of 2 to 5 days, a small red papule develops on the external genital area. This papule quickly turns into a pustules. The pustules rupture after 2 to 3 days and become an ulcer. The ulcer is round or oval, with creeping nature, soft but irregular edges, and the surrounding skin is congested. The base is granulation tissue rich in blood vessels, covered with purulent secretions. Patients often feel pain at the ulcer, which is aggravated by touching it. If it continues to expand, There are often 2 to 5 clusters of "satellite" ulcers around them. If not treated, the lesions can often last for a month or two before finally healing and forming scars.
In men, soft chancre mostly occurs in the foreskin
anal dildo , penis, glans coronary sulcus and anus. In women, it occurs in the labia
wand vibrator , clitoris, labial frenulum, urethra, vagina, cervix and anus. Occasionally it occurs in the fingers, eyelids, lips, tongue, breast, etc. In addition to the above typical clinical manifestations, the following clinical variants can occur. The common causes are: (1) Gangrenous chancroid ulcer necrosis of the underlying tissue, developing deep, and the surface is covered with necrotic black scab. (4) Erosive chancroid is formed by the continuous development and expansion of ulcers around it.
(3) Miliary chancroid is also known as follicular chancroid. The ulcer is small but deep, with a large base and a small top, and is crater-like.
(2) Mixed chancroid This is caused by mixed infection with Haemophilus and Treponema pallidum. It is characterized by a short incubation period. The symptoms of chancroid appear first, and after 3 weeks
cock pump , the symptoms of hard chancroid gradually appear.