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The incubation period of AIDS has reached 10 years? Three symptoms indicate a high risk of AIDS

AIDS is a malignant disease that people are constantly avoiding male chastity , and so far there is no reliable treatment. Patients have no hope when they know they have AIDS. In recent years, many incidents of maliciously infecting others have occurred and have become a topic in society. Some AIDS patients have no ill intentions gay masturbation , but they are still reluctant to disclose their condition because they are afraid of receiving different looks. Some people don't know that they are carriers of the virus. In addition to the risk of infecting others, their optimal prevention period will also be delayed.
Anyone who knows something about it knows that when they initially suspect that they may be at risk of HIV infection, they can use antiretroviral drugs within 72 hours of exposure to HIV to prevent infection. However, many people discover that AIDS has a certain incubation period at a later stage, with an average of 7 to 10 years. It was found that it was still far away from treatment. During long-term infection girl butt , HIV destroys the body's immune system, the body's immunity declines, and minor illnesses and other diseases that appear are easily confused. It's hard to get attention. So what early symptoms of AIDS should we pay attention to?
Initial symptoms of AIDS
1. Persistent extensive lymph node enlargement, especially the cervical, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. The enlarged lymph node is about 1 cm in diameter. It is hard, painless, and movable. It lasts for more than 3 months.
2. Fever and night sweats of unknown origin for several weeks.
3. Loss of appetite and loss of more than 10% of the original weight within two months.
4. Unexplained severe fatigue for several weeks.
5. Chronic diarrhea of unknown cause has occurred for several weeks, presenting as a water sample, more than 10 times a day.
6. Unexplained promotion and coughing for several weeks.
7. Large pink and purple-red spots appear on the skin and mouth big ass anal , which are not painful and itchy.
8. White membrane appears in the throat and throat.
9. Scaly spots and itching appear on the genitals of men; anal itching, vaginal itching, and leucorrhea in women are often treated for a long time after gynecological diseases.
10. No other cause can be identified for headache and blurred vision.
It is worth noting that when people have more than three symptoms above and have high-risk behaviors, they should go to the hospital for examination in time.
Daily prevention of AIDS must start with yourself and do not do anything illegal. Prostitution, prostitution, chaos, no drug use, no blood collection on the black market, etc. Sex is the main way to contract HIV. Generally speaking, using condoms is one of the most effective measures to prevent HIV.
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