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Can soft chancre be cured?

If soft chancre is not treated promptly, it will lead to death, because soft chancre itself is a kind of sexually transmitted diseases, and the harm of sexually transmitted diseases has the following aspects:
Can soft chancre be cured
(1) Can cause infertility in men and women. Especially for patients with gonorrhea and non-gonorrheal urethritis. If not thoroughly treated, it will turn into chronic inflammation of the urogenital system, which will eventually lead to loss of fertility, or even if pregnant male chastity cages , miscarriage, premature birth, and stillbirth can occur.
(2) Can cause chronic inflammation in other organs. Such as chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, cervicitis, ovaritis nice ass , etc. (3) Can cause tumors. It is more common in condyloma acuminatum and genital herpes, and can also cause penile cancer, cervical cancer, vulva cancer, anal cancer, etc. (4) Can cause death. Examples include AIDS and advanced syphilis that is untreated or incompletely treated. Relevant data show that within 5 to 10 years after the diagnosis of AIDS, the mortality rate reaches almost 100%. Therefore, AIDS has attracted worldwide attention. Syphilis can be completely recovered if it is treated with early eradication. If patients are untreated or incompletely treated, the mortality rate is also high. Can soft chancre be cured? In addition, it is recommended that both men and women conduct joint examination and treatment.
For treatment, chloramectin and aminobacillin can be used. Under topical treatment with erythromycin ointment cheap sex toys , if the drug treatment effect is not very good big dildo , surgery is recommended.
Chancroid can be cured. Soft chancre is caused by Haemophilus ducrei and belongs to the category of sexually transmitted diseases. Mainly through sexual life.
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